"Exquisitely designed by Lorraine Wild and featuring knockout new photographs by Fredrik Nilsen of every work in the show, the book sets a standard of excellence that matches Price’s.”

—Art Critic, Christopher Knight on the book "Ken Price Sculpture: A Retrospective" in his LA Times review


I have worked on countless book projects with designer Lorraine Wild of Green Dragon Design, starting with numerous Mike Kelley catalogs in the early 2000’s. She and Stephanie Barron, senior curator for modern art at LACMA, were planning a major retrospective for Ken Price and decided that they wanted new photography for every work of art that was going be included in the show and catalog, an unprecedented and monumental proposal. I was fortunate enough to be chosen for the assignment. I spent a year and a half traveling to various collections to photograph works including several trips to the Price family home outside Taos, New Mexico. I had the great privilege to have Ken sitting next to me at times on my set in his studio as I captured images and we shared surfing stories. He was a surfer at Doheny Beach in the same year that as an 8 year old I caught my first waves on a 10 foot Hobie board at the same break. “So you were that squirt getting in my way!” It could well be true. After Ken passed I continued photographing his work for the estate and for Matthew Marks Gallery until I had documented most every work in their inventory. The Price family remain dear friends and I have endless gratitude for their faith in my work.